Ways to protect your smartphone from coronavirus

করোনাভাইরাস থেকে স্মার্টফোন রক্ষার উপায়

The second wave of corona has started in our country. Everyone needs to be more aware now. Many people are using sanitizers and masks to protect themselves from corona. Not only that, you also have to think about smartphones. Your smartphone may also be infected with the corona virus.

Experts are advising to clean the mobile phone every day in fear of Corona.

Many people think that the phone can be cleaned only by deleting it. However, this idea is not correct.

If you are more concerned about germs, you can use isopropyl alcohol. Make a mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol. Now spray microfiber on the cloth and wipe your smartphone with it. Isopropyl alcohol is blown away. So the work has to be done quickly.

Can use light national UV sanitizer. If you do not want any kind of liquid to clean your smartphone, you can use a UV-C light sanitizer to remove all the germs present in your smartphone. However, this is the most expensive method.

The World Economic Forum said in a video that the corona virus can remain active on phone screens for up to four days. So don't forget to clean the cover of your phone for protection.

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