How to save closed Google Play Music data

 বন্ধ হওয়া গুগল প্লে মিউজিকের ডাটা সেভ করবেন যেভাবে

Google's Play Music service is being shut down. In a recent email to customers, Google said it was going to delete data from the Google Play music service. This includes data such as Google Play Music Music Library, Purchase History. Google says that once deleted, this data will never be returned.

How to transfer data from Google Play Music to YouTube Music?

Step 1. Download YouTube music on Android or iOS phone.

Step 2. Click the Transfer button at the top right of the screen.

Step 3. This time Google Play Music will start to transfer various data including purchases and uploads.

Step 4 The transfer will take a few hours.

Step 5 Once the music data is transferred, a notification will come to the customer.

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