In today's world of technology almost everyone is keeping pace with the times. Most of the people are now leaning towards mobiles to spend their leisure time when they need to. In a word, nowadays it is difficult to walk even for a moment without a mobile phone.
Mobile is now a big means of gaining entertainment. And this is why billions of people around the world are using mobile. On the way, in the chat, at work, even at home, everyone can be seen having fun on mobile.
Headphones are being used to avoid noise when watching a song, show, drama-movie etc. on YouTube. These headphones are being hung in the ears for hours on end. This is affecting the sense of hearing. There are five serious disadvantages to using these long-lasting headphones. Let's find out about those losses-
>> Never listen to loud music with headphones is not right. Doing so can lead to permanent hearing loss.
>> 90 decibels or more when using headphones directly to the ear can cause hearing problems.
>> Never use headphones shared with anyone. There is a risk of infection.
>> Most headphones are air-tight type. That way air cannot enter the ear. Which can cause problems for the ears.
>> According to the researchers, if you listen to loud music on the headphones for a long time, you can't hear it well even after opening it. It can cause very serious problems.